Our successes

Housden Group has delivered successful projects for private sector and NHS clients, for both established and start up businesses and organisations.

These include NHS Trust Private Patient Units, GPs and hospital consultants working in ‘chambers’ groups and other clinically led organisations.

Case studies

Delivered an in-depth opportunity assessment for of the Trust’s private patient business.
Focusing on the creation of additional bed capacity through improved utilisation
and revenue stream growth from diagnostic imaging.

We strategically reviewed InHealth’s cardiac business, examining its place
in the changing market and the options for investment or divestment.
Providing a renewed focus on the achieving growth and the provision
of a detailed investment plan and a brand review.

Delivered a business case for a new private patient ward: the Cornelia Suite
opened in September 2012, and is now achieving immediate 30% increase
year on year in private patient revenues.

Led the Partnership for Sustainable Healthcare Development programme worth £20m for the PCT,
‘Addenbrooke’s Hospital trust’ and the wider NHS health economy.

Beacon Healthcare: Designed and led the winning bid for Isle of Wight PCT’s GP Led Health Centre,
worth £20m over seven years, delivered against open market competition.

The Phoenix Project: Developed the business case that enabled the launch of NHS learning
disability dayservices on the Island into a social enterprise operating as an independent commercial
charitable company. It was voted Overall Winner at NHS Island Health Awards 2011.


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